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Falling into Fall: What The Darkness Can Teach Us

Writer's picture: Mandy Brooke GreenMandy Brooke Green

You, darkness, that I come from

I love you more than all the fires

that fence in the world,

for the fire makes a circle of light for everyone

and then no one outside learns of you.

But the darkness pulls in everything-

shapes and fires, animals and myself,

how easily it gathers them! -

powers and people-

and it is possible a great presence is moving near me.

I have faith in nights.

One who seeks knowledge learns something new every day.

One who seeks the Tao unlearns something new every day.

Less and less remains until you arrive at non-action.

When you arrive at non-action,

nothing will be left undone.

Mastery of the world is achieved

by letting things take their natural course.

You can not master the world by changing the natural way.


Tao Te Ching

EC 3:1-11

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens:

2 a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot,

3 a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build,

4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5 a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

6 a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep

and a time to throw away,

7 a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak,

8 a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace.

9 What do workers gain from their toil?

10 I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race.

11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”


“Life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the Fall.”


Learn and implement from this divine pattern found in nature:

1- LET GO. Let things die. Gracefully surrender to WHAT IS.

2- MAKE SPACE: in your heart, head, soul, spirit, day and life for the divine. Unplug. Follow the pattern of the light.

3-NOURISH: rest, slow down, feed, catch up, BE!

4- Watch and LISTEN: This is the special work for those who have eyes that see and ears that hear, and TRUE hearts.


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The Petelia Gold Tablet, recently discovered in a grave in Southern Italy:

Thou shalt find to the left of the House of Hades a Well-spring,

And by the side thereof standing a white cypress.

To this Well-spring approach not near.

But thou shalt find another by the Lake of Memory,

Cold water flowing forth, and there are Guardians before it.


'I am a child of Earth and of Starry Heaven;

But my race is of Heaven alone. This ye know yourselves.

And lo, I am parched with thirst and I perish. Give me quickly

The cold water flowing forth from the Lake of Memory.'

And of themselves they will give thee to drink from the holy Well-spring,

“Life is so generous a giver. But we, judging its gifts by their covering, cast them away as ugly or heavy or hard. Remove the covering, and you will find beneath it a living splendor, woven of love by wisdom, with power. Welcome it, grasp it, and you touch the angel’s hand that brings it to you.

“Everything we call a trial, a sorrow or a duty, believe me, that angel’s hand is there. The gift is there and the wonder of an overshadowing presence. Your joys, too, be not content with them as joys. They, too, conceal diviner gifts.

“Life is so full of meaning and purpose, so full of beauty beneath its covering, that you will find earth but cloaks your heaven. Courage then to claim it; that is all! But courage you have, and the knowledge that we are pilgrims together, wending through unknown country home.”

Fra Giovanni Giocondo (c.1435–1515)

“Autumn days are for watching

the way auburn leaves fall and

kiss the earth to show

that the trees have made peace

with letting go.”

“Before I rise,

like a phoenix from the ashes

or a blossom from a barren winter branch,

I must learn to dance in the burning

of each golden falling leaf.”

“She had an Autumn Soul.

Gloriously beautiful

to look upon…

and dying every second

piece by piece.”


i think you must have a bit of autumn in your soul

the way you let those dead pieces of your heart

fall away

only to make room for the new

time and time again”

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